

Students are going to work on a study guide for their test on Monday.  If students can answer all of the questions on the study guide then they will do just fine on the test.

Bell-ringer:  What does division of labor mean?

Homework:  Study the study guide



Picture day!  All Social Studies classes are going to the auditorium for school pictures.  

Bell-ringer:  Who came first Homo Erectus or Homo Habilis?

Homework:  None, yet again.



Map quiz today.  Students will take it and then we will play some latitude and longitude games to have one final review for the year.  Just to keep everyone in the loop we are going to have our Ancient Humans test next Monday.

Bell-ringer:  What is absolute location?

Homework:  None :)
Field Trip today.  That is all.



Yesterday I was out sick.  The students all did well, according to the sub, and they read about early humans as they developed farming.  Today is more of the same as the students learn about ancient people developing communities like Catalhuyok, which they learned about on Tuesday.  Just a heads up, next Tuesday the students will be cave painting.  The paint is water based but they still might want to bring a pair of older pants.  

Bell-ringer:  What does domesticate mean?

Homework:  Study for map quiz, on Monday.



I hope everyone had a nice 3 day weekend.  According to the substitute teacher all classes went well on Friday so good job guys and gals.  We are going to try something new today.  The students are going to be working in pairs to complete a webquest on Catalhoyuk.  At the end of the lesson students should be able to tell me what kind of artifacts archeologists found.  

Bell-ringer:  Why do you think ancient people made cave paintings?

Homework:  Study for map quiz on Friday.



Today is a vocab day.  Throughout the school year I set aside days to work on vocabulary.  The students will be making flip charts in their note books with the word and their definition of the word.  Students will then read a little.  

Bell-ringer:  How did hominids change over time?

Homework:  Study for map quiz next Friday.

I have a substitute tomorrow, I am going hunting (nature watching).  The students will either be watching a movie on early humans or working in pairs on a booklet about ancient humans.