

We are finishing up the lesson from yesterday.  The students worked on the 7 parts of a civilization and today we finish them and then go over them.  At the end of the hour the students are taking their map quiz.

Bell-ringer:  What does polytheism mean?

Homework:  None.



Since we finished the 7 parts of a civilization on Sumer yesterday we are going to dive right into the other three civilizations for Mesopotamia: Akkadia, Assyria and Babylon.  The students will partner read to find the 7 parts for each of the civilizations.  Should prove to be interesting.

Bell-ringer:  What does Cuneiform mean?

Homework:  Study for map quiz on Northern Africa,'s tomorrow.



We are going to finish up the 7 parts of a civilization on Sumer by talking about the art, technology and written language.  Students can still work on test revisions but they are due tomorrow.  Also there is a map quiz on Africa on Friday.

Bell-ringer:  List two jobs that Sumerian kings had.

Homework:  Super Sumer worksheet.



Yesterday all us teachers did many "teachery" things at Lathrop so now we can try out all of these new things this week.  Today we are continuing notes on Mesopotamia, more specifically on Sumer.  Students will also get their tests back to work on test revisions.  The revisions are due by Thursday.  Also there is a map quiz on Friday.

Bell-ringer:  What two inventions helped early farmers?

Homework:  Test Revisions and Study for map quiz.



Since today is a short day for the students we are going to talk about our weekends, review the homework from last night and take a few notes. 

Bell-ringer:  How did People in the hills above Mesopotamia eventually migrate South to the rivers?

Homework:  Study for map quiz next Friday.



Notes begin again.  Students will be taking a few notes on the geography and food supply of Mesopotamia.  

Bell-ringer:  What are the two rivers running through Mesopotamia?

Homework:  A tale of two rivers.



With the legend of Gilgamesh fresh in their minds I am going to show a short film on the transition of the people of Mesopotamia from farmers to city dwellers.  The students will fill out a short worksheet while watching the movie.

Bell-ringer:  What was the moral of the story from yesterday?

Homework:  Ancient Mesopotamia Map



The excitement is palpable.  The students are going to finally be cave painting.  They will pick something that is important to them (I'm banning cellphones) and then "paint" it on our "wall."  While a few of the students are doing that the rest will be reading the story of Gilgamesh.

Bell-ringer:  What where two things you learned and enjoyed about Ancient Humans?

Homework:  None, although they are getting the next map today.



Test day.  The students get a few minutes to study with a partner and then we jump into the first real test of the year. 

Bell-ringer:  What did you do this weekend that was fun yet legal?

Homework:  None, however we are painting tomorrow.



We are playing basketball review today.  The students answer questions about the upcoming test as groups and shoot baskets for points.  Should prove to be an entertaining day.

Bell-ringer:  How did the first cities start?

Homework:  Study for test on Monday!!!!!!!!!!