Students are taking their map quiz today.  We are also having a vocab day.  Students will play a short game based on their vocab words and then they write down the definitions. 

Bell-ringer:  What is a parallel time-line?

Homework:  None.



A little bit of re-teaching today.  It came to my attention that our map skills needed some work so we went over latitude and longitude today.  In addition we had a short discussion on time lines, BC, AD, CE, and BCE.  Hopefully this time it made it to long-term memory.  (fingers crossed)

Bell-ringer:  How did the people of Mesopotamia solve the problem of having to work together?

Homework:  Timeline worksheet and study for quiz tomorrow.



We worked on Problem solving using Mesopotamia problems.  The students worked in partners to draw pictures of problems and their solutions.

Bell-ringer:  What was the major resource of Mesopotamia?

Homework:  Study for map quiz.  Thursday!



The students are reading a few pages in the book.  (pages 102-107)  The topic of discussion is how civilization finally developed in the area called the Fertile Crescent. Also I am passing back the tests from last Tuesday and we are going over them.

Bell-ringer:  What is a city-state?

Homework:  Study for map test on Thursday.  "Ancient Mesopotamia" map worksheet.


We have a vocabulary day today.  They students will be looking for vocab words in the book and then we will come up with what we think the words mean as a class. 

Bell-ringer:  What is the absolute location of Mesopotamia?

Homework:  Study for map quiz. (Next Thursday)


We read the first lesson on Mesopotamia.  The students took notes on the 5 themes of geography as they relate to the Fertile Crescent.

Bell-ringer:  What does Mesopotamia mean?

Homework:  Study for map quiz.


We read an introduction to Mesopotamia.  Students were introduced to the unit in a very broad sense.  There is good study material in the brief.

Bell-ringer:  How long did it take early humans to migrate from North to South America?

Homework:  Fertile Crescent Worksheet



Test day.  We are taking our unit 1 test today.  Students must also turn in their completed folder and notes.

Bell-ringer:  How is an artifact different from a fossil?

No homework.

Woohoo! Monday


Review day.  The students will be reviewing for their test tomorrow by playing basketball review.  The group with the most points at the end of the class will get extra credit on their test.

Homework:  Study!  Best way to study

Bell-ringer:  What is a glacier?

Happy Friday!


Today is a short day, classes are 33 minutes.  We will be grading homework, talking about weekends and helping organize the students folders for the upcoming test on Tuesday.  The students received a paper yesterday listing out all of the worksheets and notes that they need to have in order to get a 100% on their folder check.  Since the folder check is worth the same as the test it is in their best interest to have their folder complete.

Homework:  Make-up any missing work and look over worksheets and notes.

Bell-ringer:  According to the movie what allowed early humans to have longer burning torches?



Just got back from a few days in the woods.  Still no moose :(.  We are watching another short movie clip today on early man.  While the students are doing that I will be passing back their graded work.  Following the movie the students are going to organize their work and get any missing assignments.  During the test over early humans the students will turn in their folders so that I can give them a grade on their organization and homework.

Bell-ringer:  Did Mr. Kaiser get a moose?

Homework:  Work on any mission assignments and organize your folder.
Friday- We read a little more following our map test.  On the whole I am extremely pleased by how everyone did.  We read pages 56-58 and ended the hour with a little Calvin and Hobbes.  

Bell-ringer:  What advantages did farming give to ancient people?

No homework.

I will have a substitute Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

We are watching a movie on ancient people called "Early Man, The Beginning of Mankind."  The students will have a worksheet to complete while watching the movie.

Bell-Ringer:  What was the purpose of Chinese farmers building terraces?"

No homework.

Reading again.  Pages 66-71.  The pages cover the beginning of ancient communities.  This is a prelude to Mesopotamia.

Bell-ringer:  What two things does every successful farm have?

Homework:  Farming Begins.

Mr. Bell, our counselor, will be coming in to give a presentation to the students. 

Bell-ringer:  How did the division of labor start?

No homework.