

More reading in store today.  The goal is to finish early humans next week.  So that means reading and discussing today.  I am hoping to read pages 33-53 today.  Now that sounds like a lot, however many of those pages are fluff or the beginning of a chapter. 

No homework.

Bell-ringer:  What was Beringia?



We are coming to the end of early hominids.  Today we are reading a few pages in the book starting on page 25.  We are covering human migration and how people got to America from Asia.  Ask your student about Beringia.

Homework:  Study for map quiz on Friday, Worksheet-Adapting to the Environment

Bell-ringer:  List 2 things you learned from the books yesterday.



Hopefully everyone had a great weekend, I know that I did.  Today we are getting back into the swing of things with some reading.  The students are reading from the colored readers.  There are three different stories about ancient humans and the students get one of the stories to read and answer questions.

No homework.

Bell-ringer:  Why do you think people painted on cave walls?



Yesterday we had a field trip so no need for this to be updated.  Today we are talking about early modern humans, reading pages 22-27 and discussing tomorrow.  Speaking of tomorrow we are cave painting so please do not wear anything that cannot get paint on it. 

Homework:  Timeline of Early Humans

Bell-ringer:  What did Mary Leakey do?