

Reward movie and punishment day.   Students with good grades and good behavior will be watching the Princess Bride and students with not so good grades and behavior are stuck with me.  Also, Pyramid projects are due today.



Students are designing their own tomb today.  They will be making a rough draft of a "modern" Egyptian tomb.  

Bell-ringer:  Tell me everything you know about the Rosetta Stone.

Homework:  Pyramid?



Almost done learning about Egypt.  Today we are covering the written language of Egypt.  Following that the students will play the god and goddess memory game, they are getting better at it.  They will also get a few minutes to work on their homework.

Bell-ringer:  If you had been an Egyptian Pharaoh would you have rather had a pyramid or a tomb?

Homework:  Hieroglyphics worksheet.



We are going to finish the movie on the Pyramids today and then the students will be able to play the memory game of the gods and goddesses.  

Bell-ringer:  Why do you think the Pharaoh wanted his pyramid to be the largest?

Homework:  Work on Pyramid project.



Today the students are watching a movie on the building of the pyramids.  The neat thing about this movie is that it mixes a cartoon on the building with a historian telling about the important information.  It has always proved to be a useful tool in the past. 

Bell-ringer:  What was the social structure of Ancient Egypt?

Homework:  Continue to work on project.



We finished religion yesterday so today we move on to social structure and art.  

Bell-ringer:  What is the ANKH?

Homework:  Life of the rich and poor.



Today we are talking about the gods and goddesses of Ancient Egypt.  Following some short notes we will play a memory game to help the students learn the gods.  

Bell-ringer:  Why did ancient Egyptians mummify dead people?

Homework:  Work on Pyramid.