

We finish Mesoamerica today.  The students are going to answer some questions on the Incas.  Following that they will be handed back their Greece tests and given some time to make revisions. 

Bell-ringer:  Which of the three civilizations do you like best and why?

Homework:  Study for map quiz.



And now on to the Incas.  Again a short booklet will be used to introduce these people.  Students will partner read and answer questions.

Bell-ringer:  How were the Aztec people destroyed?

Homework: Study for map quiz on Friday.



It is the Aztecs today.  Students have a booklet (small book, few pages) to read and a worksheet.  Following that we will go some vocabulary on the Mesoamerican people.

Bell-ringer:  What is the name of the game that the Mayans played?

Homework:  Study for map quiz.



Since we are attempting to cover four ancient civilizations (Olmec, Aztec, Inca, Mayan) in 5 school days we are devouring the Mayans today.  Students are going to partner read about the Mayans and answer questions. 

Bell-ringer:  What are the Olmec know as?

Homework:  None, well study for map quiz.



Greece is done and so we turn our attention to the Americas.  This is going to be a very short unit.  We will covering the Aztecs, Mayans and Incas.  Today we are getting introduced to them by reading the first lesson in the book.

Bell-ringer:  List two civilizations from Ancient America.

Homework:  The Mayans worksheet.



We are wrapping up Greece by watching a movie on the 7 wonders of the Ancient world.  Many of them are in Greece. 

Bell-ringer:  None

Homework:  Study for map quiz.



Test day!  Students will receive a few minutes to ask questions and organize their binder and thoughts before they take the test.  I am anxious to see how they do.  Good luck.

Bell-ringer:  What would you like more information on if you were to take this class again?

Homework:  None.