

Jumping back into notes.  We are finishing Government today and getting into Religion and the introduction of Judaism and Christianity to Rome.

Bell-ringer:  What is the technology of Rome?

Homework:  "A new religion for Rome"  and study for map quiz.



We looked at the building projects of Rome.  The last half of class the students had a mock Senate meeting where they tried to convince me that their project was worthy of building.  Some of the students really shined here and went all out, it was very cool. 

Bell-ringer:  Who was the better leader of Rome, Caesar or Octavian? Why?

Homework:  Study for map quiz on Friday.



We kill Julius Caesar and start two civil wars!  Rome goes from a Republic to a nation run by dictators to an Empire.

Bell-ringer:  Why was the Mediterranean Sea called the Roman Lake?

Homework:  Study for map quiz.



The government of Rome is quite large.  Today we are covering the expansion of Rome as it becomes the most powerful nation in the known world.

Bell-ringer: Why did Rome and Carthage fight?

Homework:  Study map quiz.



Ah Rome!  Today is the Punic Wars.  Students got a hint of this on Tuesday and have been bugging me about it since.  Looks like they get their wish. 

Bell-ringer:  Explain how Roman Dictatorship worked.

Homework:  Study map.



We had a substitute yesterday so the students watched the movie that I had planned for Friday.  Today we start notes on the government of Rome.

Bell-ringer:  List 2 things you learned about Rome from the movie.

Homework:  "Rise and Fall of Roman Rulers" and study for map quiz.



Day two of Rome.  Students will be learning about the geography and food supply of Rome through notes and stick figure pictures on the board.  They will also be getting their last map quiz packet. :) 

Bell-ringer:  Why do you think Rome is located where it is?

Homework:  Study map



Well off to school again.  I hope everyone had a great and relaxing Spring Break.  We are starting Rome.  Students will be working on a map of Italy and the surrounding countries.

Bell-ringer:  What country is Rome in?

Homework:  Where was the Roman Empire?



Map quiz and movie.  What a great end to third quarter.  Yea Spring Break.  Have a great week off.

No bell-ringer.

No homework.



Students are capping off learning about Mesoamerica by watching a movie based on their culture.  Also I placed the map quiz up on the "homework and lessonplans" page.

Bell-ringer:  Who was Pizarro? 

Homework:  Study for map quiz