

We are going to go over Alexander the Great today.  

Homework:  "Alexander Builds an Empire"

Bell-ringer:  Who was the "Father of History?"



Welcome back!  I hope everyone had a great Spring Break.  We are picking up where we left off.  We are talking about Herodotus and some of the great Scientists of Greece.  

Homework:  Greek Gifts Worksheet

Bell-ringer:  Tell me two good things that you did over your Spring Break.



I hope all of the students have a great Spring Break.  We have some very short classes today so I am letting the students finish their Polis Project and any missing work they may have.  If they have finished everything then I have an extra credit packet for them to finish in class.

No homework.

Bell-ringer:  none.



The students are finishing their Polis Project.  They have the whole hour to finish and turn it in.  

No homework.

Bell-ringer:  Tell me something unique about your polis.



We are starting our Polis Project today.  The students will be creating their own Polis/city-state.  They get to make up the laws, where it is located, how it is defended and much more.  We will be working on this project today and tomorrow.  

No homework.

Bell-ringer:  Why was Socrates put on trial?



Continuing notes today on Greece.  Yesterday we covered the Olympics, playwrights and the Peloponnesian War.  Today we are covering the philosophers of Greece.

No homework.

Bell-ringer:  What are two reasons why Sparta attacked Athens?



Today is the first day of the Spartan Spirit Week.  Hopefully all of the students can participate, I know the teachers are excited!  In class we are continuing notes on Greek culture.  Today we will get to the philosophers of Athens.

Homework:  Study Guide

Bell-ringer:  Who were all of the Greek plays dedicated to?