

Review day!  We are finishing their KWL's and reviewing the test in preparation for tomorrow. 

Bell-ringer:  Tell me something you learned that was cool about the Greeks.

Homework:  Study for test.



Last day of info on Greece.  We will be making the Greek culture the dominant culture in the world with Alexander the Great. 

Bell-ringer:  What were the results of the Peloponnesian War?

Homework:  Alexander the Conqueror worksheet



Jumping back into notes today by talking about the Peloponnesian War.  Students will get the opportunity to view beautiful works of art as they illustrate the battles of this war.  This lesson leads up to tomorrow's discussion on Alexander the Great and why he was able to walk in and take Greece realativly easily. 

Bell-ringer:  What were the results of the Persian War

Homework:  End of the Golden Age worksheet.



Final day of Polis Project.  The students have the hour to complete their project and present them to the class.  Should be a good day.

Bell-ringer:  What did Justin Bieber do over the weekend?

No homework.



Polis Project Day 2.  The students will place their ideas from yesterday on poster paper and then we will hang them up just in time for parent teacher conferences. 

No homework.



Students get the opportunity to create their very own polis.  In small groups, the students create a Greek polis complete with the 7 parts of a civilization.  The finished creations will be on display in my room for parent teacher conferences.

No homework.



Cool day today.  We talked about the Persian War.  The students read a short graphic novel on the Battle of Marathon and then listened to me drone on and on about the second war with Persia.  I know I had fun.  Hopefully they did as well.

No homework.
So while everyone else is getting a last minute card or flowers or both (go big or go home) we will be learning about the written language of Greece.  Should be a fairly good day.  Students will be writing their name in Greek which is always a crowd pleaser. 

Bell-ringer:  What did Pandora do?

Homework:  Golden Age of Ancient Greece



We have a weird schedule today because of the Talent Show.  Today then becomes, "Mr. Kaiser's fabulous day of wonderment."  OR map quiz day.  Really it could go either way.  Well since I have no opposition it looks like map quiz day wins. 

Bell-ringer:  Who was Pericles?  What did he do?

Homework:  None.



We watched two movies today.  The first was on three of the Greek myths that I have been talking about in class.  The second was on the Olympics.  The students seemed less than enthusiastic about the first so I believe I will nix that for next year, lesson learned.

Bell-ringer:  Who was Pythagoras?

Homework:  Study for map quiz.