

I was sick today so we had a sub.  The students supposed to read a short booklet on Ancient Chinese Inventions.  Students were to write notes on the printing press and answer a few questions.  After reading the substitutes notes this morning, it apprears as if the homework did not go as smoothly as I had hoped.  It looks like we will have to work on that on Thursday.

Bell-ringer:  What is "the Dao?"

Homework:  Silk and study map.



More boring notes followed by a barter system game.  Students took a few notes on the religion of China.  Then we played a commerce game where the students had to barter for goods.  I believe that most students had a good time, could be wrong though.

Bell-ringer:  Who discovered the Silk Road?

Homework:  Study for map quiz on Friday.



Half of the students are watching a movie on the dynasties of China.  The other half is finishing up notes on government and technology of China.

Bell-ringer:  Tell me something you did this weekend that was fun yet legal.

Homework:  Study for map quiz on Friday.



We are finishing government today and moving on to written language, time permitting.

Bell-ringer:  What did Emperor Shi Huangdi do for China?

No homework.



We continued talking about the Government of China today.  We covered the Zhou and Qin dynasties.  Students learned about the Great Wall of China and Terra Cotta Soldiers.

Bell-Ringer:  What type of government does China have?

Homework:  The Han Heritage



Continuing China with a discussion on the Government.  Students will be learning about the first three dynasties of China. 

Bell-ringer:  How are geography and food supply related?

Homework:  The Han Empire



We started China today.  Students took some quick notes on the geography and food supply of Ancient China.  They also received their map to study and a homework assignment.

Homework:  Where was Ancient China?

Bell-ringer:  Where is China?



I hope everyone is enjoying their last day of freedom.  Tomorrow we start China.  Here is a quick breakdown of dates to look out for.

Friday Jan 14- map quiz
Tuesday Jan 25- China test
Friday Jan 28- map quiz

Chinese New Year-February 3