

Finishing notes on India today.  Students are learning about the written language of India.  Also students have their Egypt tests that they can make revisions on.  These are due tomorrow.  In addition, there is a test on India Wednesday. 

Bell-ringer:  How are Hinduism and Buddhism alike?  How are they different?

Homework:  Make your test revisions, "Empires in India" worksheet.



Map quiz today!  Also we will be comparing and contrasting Hinduism and Buddhism.  Students will be completing a Venn diagram of the two religions.  Students are receiving their Egypt tests as well.  They have to opportunity to redo any questions that they would like for more points.

Bell-ringer:  Who brought Hinduism to India?

Homework:  Fix questions on your test and study for you India test on Wednesday.



Continuing our overview of India today with some notes on Hinduism and Buddhism. 

Bell-ringer:  What was the food supply of India?

Homework:  The Caste System and study for your map quiz.
We are doing block scheduling for these two days.  The students are going to two of their core classes one day and then the other two the next.  In Social Studies the students are looking at magazine articles about Hinduism and Buddhism and then filling out a 5 W's and an H worksheet. 

Bell-ringer:  Describe India's caste system.

Homework:  Study for Asia map quiz on Friday!



Still on the roller-coaster we call India and the end of the Semester.  Students are still taking notes on India, today it is the Social Structure and Written Language.  Also we are making Tuesday and Wednesday into block scheduling so the students will only have two of their classes each day.  However, they have each class for two hours.  We are trying to teach the students some complex skills that require some extra time.

Bell-ringer:  What were 2 of the toys that ancient India invented?

Homework:  Ancient India's Gifts.



Still continuing notes on India with Technology and Art.  Students are reviewing the information yesterday on Government.

Bell-ringer:  What type of government was India and what were the leaders called?

Homework:  Study Asia map for test on Friday.



Ah, India.  Students started taking notes yesterday on the geography, today they continue notes with the Government.  They will also have a little homework. 

Bell-ringer:  What is a subcontinent?

Homework:  Where was the ancient Indus Valley?



With the vast majority of students having taken the Egypt test yesterday, we will be starting India today.  Students will be taking some, very few, notes on the geography of India.  Then they will complete a map of India that shows the natural barriers and physical features of the country.

Bell-ringer:  What continent is India in?

Homework:  Students are receiving their next map quiz.  They should study.