

Finished grading the tests and they were less than stellar.  So, the students are getting the opportunity to fix their answers for half credit.  We are also watching How the G



The students are doing a group activity today.  They are going to split up in groups of two and write a news article about the Indus Valley.  This is participation so there will be no homework. 



Test Day!  Students are taking a test an India.  We had some interesting extra credit questions and even stranger  answers.  There is no homework tonight.



We are reviewing for the Unit test on India today.  The students are playing Basketball review in groups.  Their homework tonight is study for 



Today we are gearing up for the test on Wednesday.  We have shortened classes again because of the reward day movie, so today will be an opportunity to work on their study guide, any missing work and an extra credit packet.  The study guide and e

Happy Friday!


So yesterday did not go as planned.  We had a play to watch in the morning so all classes were shortened.  We ended up just reading through the chapter.  There was no homework yesterday.  

Today, we are going over the information from yesterday, reading pages 396-402.  The students are going to work in groups and teach their group about the information they learn.  The homework tonight is the homework from yesterday, Empires of India worksheet.



Yesterday I was sick so we had a substitute in.  The students watched two movies.  One on Hinduism and the other on Buddhism.  The students were then given a Venn Diagram and for homework they were supposed to compare and contrast the two religions.

The students are learning about some of the great leaders of India.  They are reading pages 396-402 in the book.  The homework for tonight is "Empires of India" worksheet.  



The students are finishing up reading about Hinduism and we are starting the lesson on Buddhism, pg. 390-395.  The homework for tonight will be "The Beginning of Buddhism" worksheet. 



I hope everyone had a great weekend.  Today we are going to read pages 385-389.  This is about the Hindu religion.  Following the reading we will have some time to work on homework, which is, "Beginnings of Hinduism" worksheet.

Happy Friday!


We started out class with a map quiz over the map your students completed for homework.  Following the map quiz we learned about flow charts and had some real life examples of one in action.  Their homework for tonight is the second worksheet in their packet: "Skills: Follow a Flow Chart."  I also printed out grade sheets to be taken home, reviewed and signed for extra credit.  Those need to be back to me by Monday.  Have a great weekend.