Happy Friday!


The students received their grade sheets today.  They will get extra credit for the successful return of the grade sheet that has been signed by a parent.  In class, the students are watching a couple of movies to help introduce Greece.  There is no homework this weekend.



We finished the test yesterday so today we start Greece.  The students are going a KWL and reading part of the Odessy on pages 266-269 in the book.  The homework tonight is to write a story from the end of the one we read today up until the point where Odysseus enters the war.



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Monday and Tuesday


On Monday we finished up the notes on China by talking about the Han dynasty.  The homework was "A time of Achievement" worksheet.  

Today we played basketball review to get ready for the test.

Test tomorrow.  STUDY!

Happy Friday


We are grading the homework from last night and then the students are making Chinese crafts.  They are making paper lanterns, red New Year's envelopes and flat coolie hats.  There is no homework tonight.
So...I got a little behind.  Tuesday we worked on a new map skill, How to Identify Changing Borders.  That was also the title of the homework.

Wednesday I was sick so the students worked on their study guide and were given an extra credit packet.  The study guide was homework.

We are taking some new notes on the Qin dynasty.  The homework tonight is "Uniting China."



Us teachers have training all day.  Have a great day off!

Happy Friday!


We are watching a movie on China today.  The students are filling out a worksheet that is due in-class so there will be no homework over the weekend.  See you on Tuesday.



We didn't quite finish with the webquest yesterday, so I am giving the students some time to complete their assignment.  Following the webquest we are taking notes on China's religion. 
Got busy yesterday and was unable to write.  Yesterday we took notes on Confucius and Daoism.  There was no homework.

Today we are taking the computers out for a spin.  The students are completing a webquest of China.  They will work with a partner to look at websites to find information about ancient China.  There will be no homework tonight.