The life as a religious official Is a long and hard trip. We had to admit we had a few...bumps In the way but we were able to make It though It. Our first job was to sketch, draw, shape, and design the social structure of chexamen. It took shorter than expected but we were able to finish it. Our second job and final job was to make a poster base on religion of our civilization. Now this Is the longest part. Since our religion Is freedom of religion I had to go around and see what religion does each class member  wants to be. When I'm done It seems that the only religions people choose were ether Christianity, polytheism, altruistic or thouhism. Once I got the religious It started on the draft then once I got the draft approved. I started to make the final day and it came out really nice. My final job was to write a paragraph  about my life as a religious official which I'm doing right now. To wrap it up it was a hard and long trip but I was glad to do It.
being a historian was fun job I finished early and it was easy to do the time line because I like to write. There's still a lot of responsibility so if your not a good writer or time liner then don't sign up for the job pick a job that suit your personalty and try something that prepare you for life.
Being a banker is really fun. You have to make a lot of money. All you do is make about 3,000 dollars take attendance
and sign papers. it is really fun.
Being historian is fun because its fun to make speeches or time lines. But historians are very cool cause you learn more and more every day or every minute so its so cool to be one.
My experience in cartography has been really really really fun. I had fun making our map of Australia. Some times it was hard and some times it was easy. I really had fun being a cartographer I love making maps. 
My job was government official. As a government official I got to make a flag and sign off on chexmans work I like my times a government official because I was in a sent of power in conclusion I enjoy my time as a government official
As being a cartographer (making our map) it was actually kind of fun. I thought it was going to be hard because, I don't like making map, but it wasn't hard at all. I actually like being a map maker, yeah, that's not what I was planning on being, but i was, and I am happy. I had to make rough draft, get it signed, about 4 times.. ha. I am also kind of glad I was cartographer, even though I only got paid 5 dollars, it was fun.