Government Official

Being a government official for the civilization of Borborygmus is a challenge. Even though it is a challenge with all of the signing off, creating the flag &money .We all hade a great time. I really enjoyed working with the other Government Officials .We all work together, get along, &help each other when we need to. This is why being a government official is challenging, but always fun.

By: SK

Being a Government Official is pretty easy. Sure you have to sign papers once in a while, and have to design the money. You are the police. Being a Government Official is a cool job.

By: ST

During my experience as a Government Official I had a few troubles especially on the money. I loved how people always came to me to be able to progress on their jobs. Also, it was very fun creating a very important thing in this civilization- the money.  I always felt important and I always had something to do. All in all, I think this is a job I could get used to.

By: DR

Government Official was really fun at times. I really enjoyed making the decisions. I had fun working with the other government officials. I hope I can do it again another time.

By: KH

Religious Officials

My experience with being the Religious official was good - bad. We made a great social structure but we couldn’t agree on stuff. We would fight a lot and never get things done. But in the end we made it finally. That was my experience with being a government official.

By: RB

My experience as a Religious Official went from bad to amazingly fun. We accomplished many things and created really cool things. We argued many times, but we always settled a dispute with a fair vote. We made a very good team and we wouldn’t have done such a good job without each other. When our civilization is finally complete, I hope our team will leave an impression on next years learning students.

By: CB

            My experience of being a Religious Official was crazy. Some people didn’t pay attention. Also, some were bossy. Others were good. I could have been a little less bossy though. I like this job a lot but we fell behind because we kept disagreeing and the last thing to add is that everyone didn’t bring things that we needed to work on. Other than that, I thought that it was a fun experience. That was my experience of being a Religious Official.

By: JH

            My job is a religious official. A religious official creates the social structure and the display. The people whom I was working with sometimes just took over the project then they left me to do more of the stuff. 

                                                                        By: AY


            My experience of being a Cartographer was fun. I was able to pick the place of where we are going to live. I had fun designing the map. I like working with the other cartographer.

By: RC

            I loved being a cartographer. I would recommend this for creative drawers. I liked this because I can create and draw! The food supply is great and I would pick this job again if I had to.

By: TD


My experience as a Historian, I had a lot of fun. I am happy with who my co-workers are, and love my job. I admit that I am kind of a control freak, but I tried my hardest to give my co-workers enough work. I think I would want to do all of the work. In summary, I had a great time and am happy with what I have.

By: TS

            The job as a historian was really fun because I was with one of my best friends I got the job because he voted for me. In my job we had to create the history, like we made up a war of how we got to Fiji. If I could pick any other job then it would be a technologist, because I love to build things and invent things. I had a really great time working with my partners.

By: JC

My experience being a historian was fun. We hangout and have fun. My partners are awesome. No matter what we never fight. They bring snacks and we never get distracted. Most of the time we are on task.

By: KS



  Being a banker is really fun, but it also can be hard. I don’t like being mean and having to “withdraw” people’s money from their accounts. It also can be hard because people are always following me to ask me to sign things and do things all at one time. It can be really fun too because you get to keep track of all the money. That is what I like and dislike about being a banker.


Working as a banker starts out really easy and gets harder as it goes. You have to keep track of special papers and not loose them. It can be hard especially when you have to make the money and keep track of how much people get paid and when they get paid. You have to doc pays no matter how much you don’t want to. All in my entire job as a banker is a lot of fun.

By: SC

Working as a banker is fun, stressful, and sometimes boring. First we start off with signing peoples papers and making sure their here so that they get the proper amount of pay. Then we start making the money. After we made all the money and signing off on people’s papers for the work they have done we just sit around or help people that need help then we pay them. This is stressful because we have to do it very quickly and make sure we don’t mess up. Over all being a banker is a blast and I recommend for people next year to apply.

By: MW


I’m a technologist for Borborygmus and I’m proud of it. This was so fun and I love it. We made glitter glasses and they’re so fun. At market we had so much fun. At first I thought this job was boring but now it is so cool. I love this civilization.

By: MK

I like being a technologist it was fun. The best part was getting to design my own project. We made glitter glasses. The worst part is now we are being rushed to make the rest of the glasses. It was a ton of fun.

                                                          By: KG

I like my job because I get to create creative ideas and build awesome crafts to sell. One of my favorite experiences were making the 3D glasses, it was the most fun!

                                                          By: SG

My job was really cool. If there were one thing I hated it would be using the glitter. If there were one thing I could improve it would be my pay because I hate glitter and getting it on my clothes. If I could have any other job it would be historian because I would like to white our history. I think it would be really fun.

By: WD


It is boring and I don’t like my job. I like to draw mostly boring and I hate writing!!

By: ZE

My job as a linguist is good because we finished and we had help from other people. Also, I didn’t get docked any money so I was happy and glad to work hard. My job was to create symbols for our civilization. Plus we got the job finished on time and had fun doing it. All in all, I enjoyed my job and liked working with my partners.

By: AC

I think I had a good time because we made great progress as a team and we did finish. It was fun and the symbol is cool. I think the necklace went good too. Linguists were pretty cool and I was glad to help.

By: TH


            I am an artisan. I’m someone who does art. When I first got the job I had to think. What will I do? So on my piece of paper I wrote 3 ideas. Then the government officials gave me the 3rd choice, clay figures. After I messed up the first time I did a good job the second time. My life is as an artisan is ok assuming I WAS BORN FOR THIS JOB!!!!!!

Q: What is your job?
    A: Cartographer.
Q: What do Cartographers do?
    A: They make the map of the civilization.
Q: Do you like your co-workers?
    A: No
Q: If you had a different job what would it be? Why?
    A: I would want to be banker because they get payed the most.
Q: What's the best thing you did as a Cartographer?
    A: Making the map.
Q:What are you?
    A: I'm a Linguist!!
Q: Do you like your job?
    A: A little bit.
Q: Do you like your co-workers?
    A: A little bit.
Q: What are you working on?
    A:We are working on our symbol.
Q: What is your job?
    A: Artisan.
Q: Why do you like this job?
    A: I was born for this job!!
Q: Do you wish you had coworkers?
    A: NO!!
Q: If you had another job what would it be?
    A: Technologist
Q: What are you working on?
    A: I am working on clay sculptures/warriors.
Q: Do you like the people who work around you?
    A: I really don't know.